Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is the Needy Bastards Club really a club?

Perhaps we're not really a club, but a

association, affiliation, alliance, band, bunch, circle, clan, club, coalition, combo, company, congress, cooperative, corporation, crew, crowd, family, fellowship, fraternity, gang, guild, hookup, league, mob, order, organization, outfit, partnership, pool, rat pack, ring, society, sodality, sorority, syndicate, tribe, troops, troupe, union, zoo...

In any case the Needy Bastards ---- doesn't have any rules, mission statement, regulations, meetings, application guidelines, agendas, roles, membership fees, hierarchy, or administration. Just a few friends who drink a beer together occasionally and bond on the basis of shared neediness. We did make some important graphs, now lost, and we could use a good mascot, but that's about it.

If you want to join, you're in, You can be a truly needy bastard, nothing else to do.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Could you get any more needy?

After being spotted with this purse Lisa was immediately invited to the needy bastard's club.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Is the Needy Bastards Club really needy?

I'm worried that the club is selling out in order to appeal to people who think it's cool, and is losing credibility with the truly needy, like me.
On the other hand, no-one has posted, which reassures me that its neediness is sincere and uncool, but makes me think maybe it would be ok to sell out.
Yours in hopeless need,